Support for Children
I offer free consultations
The first phone call will always be free. During this consultation I will listen to your concerns and gather information regarding your child’s academic, social, emotional and behavioral history. Once we speak, we will determine if we are a good fit to work together.
I offer a sliding scale if needed, so if you need support but are concerned about cost, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's see if we can find a solution that works for both of us.
Behavioral Support
The first phone call/consultation is always free. As we recover from the pandemic, today’s children often lack social skills and face higher levels of anxiety and depression. My goal is to work with your child to help them verbalize their feelings, identify coping skills that fit their needs, and implement these skills into their daily lives. Each session is structured, with a goal, and I incorporate a variety of methods to keep your child engaged in the activities.
$100 in office | $125 in home for 1 hour sessions
Support in Daycare Centers
The first phone call/consultation is always free. I find that preschool children do not have the coping skills when they are feeling angry, frustrated, or overwhelmed, resulting in aggressive and negative behaviors. If your child is experiencing behavioral or academic challenges in preschool or daycare, I can work directly in the school setting. I collaborate with parents, teachers, and administrators to develop a plan that helps the child decrease negative behaviors and increase positive ones. I can also work one-on-one with the child at school. This approach has been highly successful.
$125 for 1 hour session in the daycare
Academic Support (Pre-K –5th Grade)
The first phone call/consultation is always free. I am able to help with homework if your child is anxious, has learning differences, or attentional issues. I can also provide strategies for parents regarding homework on the days I am not with your child.
$100 in office | $125 in home for 1 hour session
Social Skills Groups
Transgender Children (Ages 10-18)
The first phone call/consultation is always free. A safe and supportive space for children questioning their gender identity, ready to transition, or who have already begun the process. This group helps build confidence and provides peer support.
$200 for a 10 week, 75 minute session, to be paid in advance
Children with High-Functioning Autism
The first phone call/consultation is always free. Focuses on improving social skills including eye contact, conversational skills, labeling emotions, and coping with frustration.
$500 for a 10 week, 60 minute session, to be paid in advance
Children with ADHD
The first phone call/consultation is always free. Centers on managing emotions, coping with anger, dealing with impulse control, breathing techniques, and making friends.
$500 for a 10 week, 60 minute session, to be paid in advance
Siblings of Children with Disabilities
The first phone call/consultation is always free. Helps siblings label, acknowledge, and cope with their feelings, understand their sibling's needs, and boost their self-esteem.
$500 for a 10 week, 60 minute session, to be paid in advance
Shy, Anxious, or Depressed Children
The first phone call/consultation is always free. Focuses on emotional regulation, self-esteem building, changing negative self-talk, and practicing relaxation techniques.
$500 for a 10 week, 60 minute session, to be paid in advance
Children with Oppositional Behaviors, Anger, or Behavioral Concerns
The first phone call/consultation is always free. Covers topics such as emotional regulation, coping with frustration, impulse control, and social skills.
$500 for a 10 week, 60 minute session, to be paid in advance