Support for Parents
I offer free consultations
The first phone call will always be free. During this consultation I will listen to your concerns and gather information regarding your child’s academic, social, emotional and behavioral history. Once we speak, we will determine if we are a good fit to work together.
I offer a sliding scale if needed, so if you need support but are concerned about cost, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's see if we can find a solution that works for both of us.
Parent Advocacy
The first phone call/consultation is always free. This initial consultation is where I gather information about your concerns and what you are advocating for. During this call, I will assess whether I can assist you in achieving your goals. If we decide to work together, I will request any reports and documentation you feel comfortable sharing. Following this, I will ask to meet with your child, either virtually or in person. After reviewing the documentation, we will develop a plan. Often, when a parent informs the school that they are bringing in an advocate, changes can happen quickly. Some parents prefer not to bring an advocate to meetings to avoid seeming adversarial. In such cases, I can work “behind the scenes” to guide you through the process and advise you on the best steps to take.
$100 in office | $125 in home for 1 hour sessions
Parent Support for Children with Challenging Behaviors
The first phone call/consultation is always free. This support can be provided in a variety of ways. I could provide parents with tools and strategies to promote positive behaviors. I could work with parents on strategies, as I work with specific skills with your child. If your child is having difficulty in school, I can work with the teachers and school administrators, so we are all utilizing the same language and incorporating the same strategies.
$100 in office | $125 in home for 1 hour sessions
General Parenting Group
The first phone call/consultation is always free. Focuses on increasing positive behaviors and decreasing negative behaviors, teaching children to express themselves with words, and boosting self-esteem. For younger children the groups focus on reducing temper tantrums, getting ready for school, sleep issues, eating concerns, sharing, and listening skills. For pre-teens and teenagers, communicating with your child, understanding pre-teen and teenage emotions, and how to improve your overall relationship.
$400 for a 10 week, 75 minute session in office, to be paid in advance
Support Group for Parents of Children with Special Needs
The first phone call/consultation is always free. This group supports parents with children who are classified in school or have a medical diagnosis. Topics include coping with challenging behaviors, dealing with “experts”, balancing the needs of siblings, understanding your child’s IEP, and knowing your rights as a parent.
$400 for a 10 week, 75 minute session in office, to be paid in advance
LGBTQ+ Parent Support Groups
The first phone call/consultation is always free. When a parent first hears that their child wants to change their gender identity or may be coming out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it’s natural that they have many questions and concerns. These groups are a safe place for parents to share their experiences, fears, and concerns. In addition, this group is a secure environment for parents to discuss experiences and show support for one another through a structured group.
$200 for a 10 week, 75 minute session in office, to be paid in advance